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We're having a house built and thought about checking into upgrading the standard roof to metal tiles but have no idea how much more they are. We would like to have the tiles to match our florida style stucco home. If anyone could give me an average price difference between this and the standard roof I would greatlly appreciate it. Thanks so much!
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This is a very common but difficult question and very complicated to answer. If you could tell us how much a standard roof costs then it would help to compare.
Basically you are asking to compare a disposable roof system with a permenant roof system. In business this dictates whether the expense goes into the maintenace or depreciation side of your budget or the capital side.
Unlike asphalt shingles there are significant variety of metal roof systems, profiles and finishes, each offering their own performances. The design of your home/roof, the climate of your area as well as the local building code requirements can have a significant bearing on the type of sytem required.
Unfortunately as an association, we are not allowed to talk pricing or warranty however if you would choose a few styles from our photo gallery and contact the manufacturer, they will be glad to discuss costs in more detail as they apply to your needs.
Thanks for considering metal.
Dura-Loc Roofing Systems, Inc.