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Watch out for anyone who proclaims to be an expert. As far as I'm concerned there are no experts. Their are people with alot of experience and knowledge. To proclaim to be an expert is to proclaim to know it all, not going to happen.
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According to the dictionary, an expert is "a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority." I think those folks exist in any subject. However, one quality of an expert is that they know when to make referrals when the subject matter is outside their expertise.
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The top leg of the Z will face downhill.
Cut the Z to the proper length, secure with at least two screws through the bottom leg of the Z and the panel. Make sure the bottoms of the panels are nit also pinned tight. Seal around all edges of the Z with sealant and also install it in a bed of sealant.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.