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I have a question about those clips they use to secure metal shingles. Even though all all of the shingle types interlock on all four conerns I am concenred about if using clips as your main fasterner is more prone to backing out and loosening over time with heat expansions etc. And how many of the clips should you ask the installer to install. Typically for the normal shingles like Tamko's it says minimum three per shingle on the installation guide. When they do those uplift tests are they using three then or more? In other words if the installer gives you the minimum will you at least get the minimum wind rating? I guess you could ask for more clips and pay extra. I would like at least four. What is the running rate for labor for asking for extra clips say 25% more than what they have to do per square. Another question, how good is the clip idea. I kinda of like the idead Advanta shingles by ATAS where 5 pre-drilled holes are part of the metal itself. It seems that this is more reliable and each shingle has it its own integrity that does not rely on the next row to hold the clips in the fold. However I don't like the Advanta design. I know that all clips are nailed but it seems as though they are also relying on the next row to hold the clip in the fold is that correct? Does anybody else make a shingle like Advanta with that kind of securing for the nails or is everybody doing clips for shingle shake/slates. I know that is a lot of questions but please try to answer each since they all pertain to clips
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The purpose of the clips is to allow for expansion and contraction. Rather than have a large piece of metal fastened to the deck, a small piece is fastened. The clips secures the panels but allows them to "float" on the roof.
This is most important with metals like aluminum which expand and contract more than steel.
As far as the number of clips and how the panels were tested, there is no general "rule" for this -- those answers must come from each manufacturer.
As far as not having clips, some panels rely on the size of the panel and the interlocks between panels to make up for expansion and contraction. Some panels also have "accordian" pleats in the metal where it is fastened which allow for expansion. The Perfection Country Manor Shake (aluminum) is an example of that.
I believe that most other shingle style panels have clips.
There are some stone-coated shakes which do not use clips.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.