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Recently had new carport and patio covers constructed. Brown metal roof over iron structure. Noticed small scratches on some of the pieces cut to fit and used to trim on sides. The original silver metal color is showing through. How will this affect warranty and do we need to touch-up paint these areas?
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Particularly if the metal is some form of steel, these should be touched up.
You would need to refer back to the manufacturer and/or their written warranty to see if it has an effect on it. I doubt they are providing any rust warranty anyway so it may not have an effect.
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Thank you for your information. Also I have noticed red oxide primer on a few spots on the inside. We had the structure welded out of iron. The inside of the metal is white, of course, and I'd like to know what I can clean this primer off with without affecting the original finish.
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Without knowing what sort of paint finish is on the bottom of the panels, I really cannot answer this.
Basically, I would try whatever solvents you need to use in order to remove the red primer. Once you can find something that removes the primer, try some small tests to see if it damages the back side coating.
If it does damage the backside coating, you will know right away -- you will see it coming off ... do not worry about additional damage down the road beyond what is immediately visible. Any damage would occur right away.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.