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My roofing contractor has offered either 24 or 26 gauge metal roofing material for my house. How does this difference in thickness affect the roof so that I could make a choice here in post hurricane Florida.
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Generally, in the exact same profile, heavier metal will last longer and be more durable / wind resistant.
However, there are numerous other factors affecting the overall roof system life including paint finish / coating, metal type and grade, profile of the roofing, and installation quality.
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Thank you for your help, I guess I can now research the specifics of a 30' x30', 5V crimp, Acrylume metal roof system, with no colour on this 5/12 pitch roof. I was unsure whether the gauge thickness was the primary issue. The roofing contractor assures proper underlayment materials and application, but I know nothing of comparative thickness issues. If you have any more info, please let me know. I have a week before installation will be initiated.
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I would ask what uplift testing both thicknesses have passed. Also, if the two panels are from different manufacturers, I would ask for a thickness comparison in terms of decimela of any inch rather than gauge. Different companies amy use or assume different gauge tolerances.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.