Product Comparison Site?

TOPIcs: Corrugated Roof

Product Comparison Site?

RETURN TO Corrugated Roof
Does anyone know of any web sites that perform an apples to apples comparison of metal roofing products? More specifically, I would like to know how MasterRib from Union Corrugating ranks to the rest. Cheers, J-
Guest User
2004-08-05 20:39:46.000000
I do not know of any comparison sites. However, here are the main factors: Paint system Base metal type and thickness System design -- exposed vs concealed fasteners, through vs clip fasteners Quality of installation Ask for reference jobs. Talk to past owners. Also, just fyi, Union Corrugating, though a company I hold in high regard, is not a member of the Metal Roofing Alliance. I wish they were.
Todd Miller
2004-08-06 08:23:13.000000