My suggestion is to go back to the underlayment manufacturer with this inquiry. How well it re-seals around holes has a lot to do with the composition of the underlayment. I do appreciate your concern though as being legitimate.
I'm building a home with a 2/12 pitch shed roof. My building supplier recommended ice and water Shiel under the the steel roofing for the entire roof. My roofing contractor misaligned the roofing panels on installation and yesterday he redid his alignment. Now I think I have penetration holes through my ShingleLayment-HT™ ice and water shield. I'm pretty sure the underlayment is HTM for metal roofs.
Shouldn't the roofing contractor have replaced the underlayment before re-installing the roofing? It is self-sealing around fasteners.
I'm concerned that I have a compromised roof.
Thank you.
This is the response from the manufacturer.
I spoke with product management on this and the only way we could warrant anything is if they went over the top of the existing SLHT with another layer of SLHT or took the existing off and did a new layer. There is just no way to fill all the holes form the existing fasteners. Please feel free to give the contact my number and email if they have any additional questions. Thanks!
Matt Riley
Business Development Manager – Building Envelope
M: 816-681-3772 | E: rileym@primesourcebp.com
1321 Greenway Drive, Irving, TX 75038