Good morning. I cannot see the images. Sorry. Feel free to email them to me at tmiller@classicroof.com
Sorry for my slow reply. Just emailed you now.
/Users/a/Users/amd/Pictures/Out corner .JPG
md/Pictures/Corners of drip edge cut.JPG
We just had a new roof put on. When we got on a ladder to paint the house we found some concerning issues. Any advice would be appreciated. Can this be corrected without replacing the metal with new? We had so many issue with this install. We have someone from the company coming out but not sure at this point if they can be trusted. We suspect the Gutter installer who was hired by the roofing contractor did this. Just wanted someone else thought on it. thank you.,
Good morning Todd, I sent the pictures to your email. I had a question. All the corners of the drip edge were cut when the gutters were installed then caulked. Is there any way to repair this without replacing all of the drip edge and have it be waterproof. replacing the drip edge would involve removing all the metal panels which is the only way we see it. thank you