corrugated instulation

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corrugated instulation

RETURN TO Corrugated Roof
do screws go in hips or valleys...should foam closure go top and bottom... why doesnt anyone in texas know about proper installation...thank you
Guest User
2001-12-19 20:54:37.000000
Are you saying that the screws go on top of the ridges or in the valleys? Which is best? I was told that more water goes down the valleys and the screws should go on the ridges for less leakage.
Guest User
2008-08-08 07:13:47.000000
I think what you actually mean by ridges is ribs. For roofing, Screws should go through the ribs into your strapping. For wall steel, you can screw through the flat part - which is what you might be reffering to as "valleys"
Guest User
2008-08-08 14:31:55.000000
There are different methods for finishing off hips and valleys. However, fastening with screws is almost always done. Often, with valleys, the screws are concealed by the panels. However, with hips, often, the screws are exposed. It would not be unusual to use foam closures at eaves and ridges. I suggest contacting the manufacturer of your roofing and posing these questions to them. Also, if you inquire, you should find that they will be able to refer you to an experienced installer in your area.
Todd Miller
2001-12-19 22:52:43.000000
I agree with Nate. Do not install in the middle low part of any V shapes though.
Todd Miller
2008-08-08 22:17:06.000000
I agree that he probably means ribs. That said, whether or not you fasten into the rib or the flat pan depends on the product and the manufacturer. Some reccomend screwing in the flat, while others reccomend the rib. Make sure to check with your manufacturer before installing. I would say more reccomend going into the flat versus the rib.
Nate Libbey
2008-08-08 17:37:14.000000