Struggling with a new metal roof installation.

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Struggling with a new metal roof installation.

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Ice and watershield over the entire roof is generally not advised as it can contribute to condensation in the attic. That said, I am not sure that the radiant barrier you have really qualifies as underlayment and, per code, you should have underlayment. I would suggest you go to the manufacturer of the roofing for their input on what you have experienced.

Todd Miller
2023-09-08 07:32:18.217492

I'm kind of at a loss here for what I should do. A little back history. Earlier this year in Kentucky we had some bad wind storms, and it trashed my shingle roof. I asked co-workers and some local contractors who was recommended in my area to get a standing seam metal roof. The general consensus was who I picked for my roofing contractor. Because so many of the area's homes were damaged, I had to wait 4 months to get the new roof. When the day finally arrived I had planned to take off the days from work so I could be at the house when the work began. I had them include removing the old shingle roof before laying any metal down. I wanted ice and water barrier on the the eaves and valleys which I had them quote and also include. But when the first day was over they removed the old roof but failed to install the ice and water barrier before they laid down the foil bubble wrap insulation. I did ask the workers during the day if they had the ice and water barrier installed, but one younger gentleman said oh that goes on last. I now realize he was talking about the ice snow rail that goes on last. The next morning a "foreman" called me and asked if I still wanted the ice and water barrier and I replied, well thats kind of too late now isn't it? He said, well we don't install much of that in this area so you really don't need it. I said "alright!?" and they took it off of the quote. The rest of the installation continued fairly well, although when the got to the back side of the house thats where things went down hill in my book. The roof on the back side of the house has 3 vents. 1 for the septic and 2 for the bathrooms. All 3 vents ended up being on a seam. See pictures. It took about a week after the installation before we had any rain, and all 3 leaked. I called them and they came out and recaulked all 3 with roof sealent. 3 days later it rained again and then only 1 leaked. The one in the middle of the roof "bathroom vent". I called, they came back and recaulked the boot and the seam it was on all the way to the ridge. A few days later it leaked again. Mind you it leaked so much, I installed a security camera in the attic so I sould send them pictures every time it leaked. 3 trip out they came back, pulled the boot, recaulked the ridge again and installed a new boot. This past weekend after over a week without rain, it finally rained again, and guess what it leaked again. Today 08/28/2023 the came back out, installed another bigger boot over the boot they last installed and then pulled the cap off of the vent and installed 2 90 degree pvc elbows and recaulked again. Needless to say I'm frustrated. 20230726_150158.jpg20230828_163704.jpg20230828_163724.jpg

2023-08-29 00:47:16.743822