Standing Seam fastened with roofing nails

TOPIcs: Installation

Standing Seam fastened with roofing nails

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The slotted holes are to allow for thermal movement of the metal. They have unfortunately defeated that purpose. The end result could be rippling of the panels. You do have striated panels so that will help some.

Todd Miller
2023-07-03 23:53:16.334407

Good morning,

I recently had a flange style standing seam roof installed on 1x4 purlins on top of a plywood deck. The contract stated that all metal would be anchored with 1.5 in screws. The contractor used a roofing nailer and nailed through the flange, and not the expansion holes pinning the panels solid. Is this common or acceptable practice with this style of panel?

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Richard Ketcham
2023-07-03 14:51:11.974878

Contract stated metal would be screwed down to 1 x 4 purlins with 1- 1/2 "screws. As sheets came off roller , expansion slots did not line up with purlins. In discussions with contractor now. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Richard Ketcham
2023-07-04 13:20:09.251622