Long seam bends

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Long seam bends

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If I understand things correctly, you're wondering how to fold the sides of the long panels to lock them over a drip edge on the gables. Most folks would use a gable trim that does not require this. Yes, there are roller tools you can get but they are costly and most folks would not do that. Have you asked your supplier about gable trims that would not require this. (The exception would be "flared" gables but from what I can tell you do not have flared gables.)

Todd Miller
2023-05-15 14:23:24.370016

Thanks. I have never seen problems with a properly installed gable trim. In fact, that is so much the norm to me that I really wouldn't know what to recommend as far as rollers. I am sorry. There is a "Metal Roof Installers" group on Facebook that you could join and pose the question there. It gets you some wide exposure to a large number of installers.

Todd Miller
2023-05-16 00:01:14.786740

Hello. I am building a 4500 sq ft workshop. I am doing all the work myself.

After looking at all my options, I have decided to install a standing seam (locking type so I don't need a crimping tool) roof over 2 x 4 purlins (spaced at 24" centers ...installed over trusses).

just a side note ... I thought a metal roof was out of my budget ... with the cost of sheeting, if I go over purlins ... and I checked, this standing seam is rated for purlins or sheathing ... then the cost is very close to a shingled roof if I do the labor myself

I have looked over the installation instructions and watched many videos.

My question is about the long seams on the first and last pieces.

Each piece will be about 36 ft long.

I understand I need to install a "drip edge" (sorry for lack of a better word) and have a long seam lock over it.

Is there a way of making this long 36 ft bend without spending $1000 in tools?

I see professionals use a roller bender (looks like ball bearings mounted on shafts) to make a 90 deg bend. Then they use a disc roller to bend that over into a seam. Finally they crimp it over with pliers once in place.

I only have 4 of these seems to make .... just hate to spend that kind of money on a tool I will never use again.

I am not even sure which roller bender is best .. some have two bearings .... some six ...

Or maybe someone can point out a cheaper version of this tool ... or a place I can pick up a used one (I am in VT ... not many metal roofs used here .. plus our largest city is only 42,000 people, not many pawn shops).

Here is links to the some videos showing the project.

Thanks ... Mike

[link text]https://www.youtube.com/@xtalvt/streams(link url)

[link text]https://www.facebook.com/michael.csele(link url)

Michael Csele
2023-05-14 15:34:38.066791

@tmiller@classicroof.com said:
If I understand things correctly, you're wondering how to fold the sides of the long panels to lock them over a drip edge on the gables. Most folks would use a gable trim that does not require this. Yes, there are roller tools you can get but they are costly and most folks would not do that. Have you asked your supplier about gable trims that would not require this. (The exception would be "flared" gables but from what I can tell you do not have flared gables.)

Thanks! They do offer gable trim but I was worried it would not be "as good" as bending over the edge. It seems like a piece of Z trim with screws holding it down and a seal under it,. I would think a bent over edge would be less prone to leak ... or am I wrong? I was hoping there was another way to make the long hem (maybe using the bender I am using for the ends .. but it is only 24" long). If I do need the "correct" tools (a rolling bender and a disc bender) is one better than another? I see them from $250 to $1000 on the internet.

Thanks !

Michael Csele
2023-05-15 21:04:04.666948

Awesome .... and I may be totally incorrect. Maybe I need to re-think this and use the gable trim. Honestly, we just don't have many metal roofs in the area. I looked at a local donut shop and small strip mall to see how they did their edges. Thanks so much for the advice!

Michael Csele
2023-05-16 00:57:34.076603