5V Crimp Installation

TOPIcs: Installation

5V Crimp Installation

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Has this been walked on a lot? Is there solid decking beneath the purlins or are they right on the rafters? Are you sure this is 26 gauge? Have you contacted the roof manufacturer?

Todd Miller
2023-01-16 18:43:54.608271

I'm currently having a 26 Gauge 5V Crimp metal roof being installed on purlins spaced at 24" on center on a 12 on 12 sloped roof. As seen in the picture, the purlins are showing through the metal panels and the panels appear to be damaged in various locations, expecially at the bottom near the facia. Is this to be expected or is there a problem with the installation or materials? If so, can something be done to prevent this look? Please advise. Thanks!

5V Crimp.jpeg

Carl St PIerre
2023-01-14 20:59:09.462497