Thanks. If I am understanding correctly, this seems like a good plan. My concern is condensation from moisture driving out of the building. With the thermal breaks and insulation you're planning as well as possible ventilation, I feel like you will be able to alleviate that risk.
I am installing a set of used standing rib roof panels on my roof deck which is 2x8 rafters with 1x6 t&g, all exposed on the inside ceiling.
Looking for comments questions and concerns with the way I'm planing on installing. Just a single slope shed style roof so should be straight forward.
Either ice and water the whole deck or put a generous overlap on high quality synthetic with taped seams.
2" or more rigid foam insulation with another layer of felt, taped as well (pitch is 3/12.)
2x4 strapping following the rafters with screws and plates that I'll pray to and center on rafter and not poke through my finished ceiling. Vertical strapping Will also double as air ventilation channels above my insulation.
Either horizontal 1x4 strapping or just sheet the whole roof again with plywood this time. Maybe with another round of felt if it's plywood.
Overkill or stupidity? Will talk with local sales rep about insulation types to use.