Single Lock or Double Lock

TOPIcs: Installation

Single Lock or Double Lock

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I also live in Ohio.

All things considered, I'd be comfortable with a single lock or a snap lock panel on your roof. Double lock roofs are more money and can also present some installation and service challenges. They are entirely appropriate for many applications but I do not feel they are required for your roof.

I don't really know how to give the rating you're requesting. Single lock or even snap lock panels are used on your situation all the time without troubles.

Todd Miller
2022-12-13 13:19:37.457789


We're putting a standing seam metal roof on our house.
The roof pitch is 3:12 and we are in central Ohio. We get a fair amount of snow (not too much), and we also get heavy rain early spring and early fall.
Because of the roof pitch, we're going with the mechanically locked seams, and we are debating between double-lock and single-lock. Single lock will save us between 5 and 7 grands.

The question I have, considering the weather we have here which I described, are we okay with single-lock? Years from now, is this something that we may regret? And how close is the performance (weather tightness, and resistance to wind) of a single lock compared to double-lock? A range from 50 to 95% will greatly help us make the decision.

We appreciate your help!

Bambam Flint
2022-12-13 12:44:25.558902