Bathroom and Range Hood Vents in Ag panel

TOPIcs: Installation

Bathroom and Range Hood Vents in Ag panel

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Hopefully we will get some additional responses but most folks would try to split a rib with the protrusion, not span it. That way, it can be down at the level of the roof panels and water that hits the uphill side will flow down both sides.

Todd Miller
2022-07-11 12:59:47.484723

I have been looking for a way to properly install roof vents for bathroom fans (6" and 4") and a 6" hood vent forever. There is no proper way to be found on the internet. There are a few hack jobs on there, but nothing good. Anyone know what vents work well with AG panel and how to properly install them?
I attached a picture of what they did on this current roof. It looks like crap. I sent them a shot to ask what that white stuff was, so ignore the yellow pointers. They stuffed a piece of foam under that gap.
Screenshot 2022-07-09 194646.jpg

John Stevenson
2022-07-10 23:55:29.304410