24g vs 26 g

TOPIcs: Installation

24g vs 26 g

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Many of the systems made today are 26 gauge and they have good performance testing. That said, is heavier metal ultimately stronger and longer lasting? Yes. But some may say it's "overkill". I'd look at things like: 1) Warranty; 2) Installer Expertise; 3) Coating Quality; and 4) Any performance testing on the panel that they can provide. Installing over battens can be a way to smooth out the roof deck a bit which helps avoid oil canning. That said, it makes the roof harder to walk and can also make it less wind resistant. The air gap created by the battens though provides a thermal break to help with energy efficiency. For even better efficiency, cross battens can be used -- vertical battens and then horizontal. This allows for active ventilation beneath the panels. In any event, good attic ventilation is also helpful and lessens the need for venting and thermal break beneath the panels. I hope this helps. There are pluses and minuses to everything.

Todd Miller
2021-11-10 10:02:55.382856

R Panel is a corrugated exposed fastener product. Unless it is forced to go over an extremely uneven surface, it usually does not show oil canning.

Todd Miller
2021-11-11 10:20:00.396994

I have received a few quotes for a standing seam panel roof; three are for 26 g and one is for 24 gauge. I live in Louisiana where we deal with hurricanes. Are these equally suitable?
Also, I have been told it is best to lay the metal directly on the wood once the shingle are removed and I have also been told to lay wood slats down and anchor the metal roof to those, yet no one can explain the difference or give me pros and cons to these installation styles.

Will the installation over the wood slats help with energy efficiency and will it hide imperfections better than the direct application? Is My house is old (1925) and I am concerned about these things.

jennifer remick
2021-11-10 04:27:07.988206

Will an R panel eliminate oil canning?

jennifer remick
2021-11-11 04:05:55.979778