How do you trim a cut out?

TOPIcs: Installation

How do you trim a cut out?

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See what others think but I think you will just do a standard gable trim and then any water that does go under the gable should stay on top of the drip edge.

Todd Miller
2021-08-11 14:53:42.663794

Can someone tell me what type of trim and how to trim this area? I've got regular drip edge tacked up there for now as you can see.

If I put a rake trim up then water will smack directly into it, and I can see that leaking at some time.

I'm searching all over and can't find anything on this.

Thanks all.


Jim Smith
2021-08-09 22:50:50.873882

Here is a modified pic


Jim Smith
2021-08-11 14:09:06.741802

This is the style of rake trim I have everywhere else... you can see how that will be a problem even when you cut and bend the ends down to try and box it in at the ends.

I was also thinking of getting just regular flashing, bending a 90, then using a load of butyl tape and screws. But with all that water rushing down and smacking into it over the years, I dont know if it will hold up.

{"error":{"image":["Unsupported file format. Supported formats are jpeg, jpg, gif."]}}

Jim Smith
2021-08-11 15:18:20.841912

Pic didnt post... here it is again:


Jim Smith
2021-08-11 18:45:06.356065