I think that non-floating clips are pretty common on panel lengths of under 50'. A flat smooth deck is going to be pretty critical though. You mentioned the company that supplied the panels. Is that the manufacturer of the panels? If not, I would go to them for an opinion on this.
The company that supplied the mechanically seamed panels and clips says that fixed clips are ok to use for panels under 100'. My panels are 35' and 45'. When I look online, I see that floating clips should be used for lengths over 30'. I live in the mountains with a temperature range of -10°F to 85°F and I measured the roof panel at 140°F on the hottest day. The roof pitch is 2.2:12.
Do I need floating clips. The roofing company (they didn't supply the panels) already installed a few 35' panels before I noticed the clips that were being used.