clips to use with mechanically seamed panels

TOPIcs: Installation

clips to use with mechanically seamed panels

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I think that non-floating clips are pretty common on panel lengths of under 50'. A flat smooth deck is going to be pretty critical though. You mentioned the company that supplied the panels. Is that the manufacturer of the panels? If not, I would go to them for an opinion on this.

Todd Miller
2021-06-29 09:06:42.133386

The company that supplied the mechanically seamed panels and clips says that fixed clips are ok to use for panels under 100'. My panels are 35' and 45'. When I look online, I see that floating clips should be used for lengths over 30'. I live in the mountains with a temperature range of -10°F to 85°F and I measured the roof panel at 140°F on the hottest day. The roof pitch is 2.2:12.

Do I need floating clips. The roofing company (they didn't supply the panels) already installed a few 35' panels before I noticed the clips that were being used.

Robert Cox
2021-06-29 01:26:30.743326