Approval for standing seam on battens over shingles

TOPIcs: Installation

Approval for standing seam on battens over shingles

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Have you checked with the manufacturer of the metal roofing?

Todd Miller
2021-04-20 02:16:19.777046

I do not recall anything in the building codes specifically allowing for application over battens, If the manufacturer has it in their code reports, though, that might be adequate. Does the manufacturer have it in their reports, or have any testing to substantiate such installation of their products? Such things are going to be product specific not carte blanche to the best of my knowledge. Perhaps someone else will weigh in with different knowledge though.

Todd Miller
2021-04-20 11:34:35.723268

I plan to put standing-seam panels on 1 x 3 battens screwed to the trusses through the existing shingle roof. While I have a product approval for roofing over shingles, the building official wants to see an approval specifically employing battens. Can you point me in the right direction?

2021-04-19 17:33:58.155235

Seriously? Of course.

2021-04-20 11:05:30.953046