What I often suggest for these areas is a "half valley" that includes a cleat for the standing seam on one side and then just runs out flat beneath the asphalt shingles on the other side. Honestly, I don't think their approach here is all bad though. One thing I'd look at is where the water from the small section of standing seam on the right drains to. What all water will be draining into that area and will it possibly overwhelm the area where it is draining? It may very well be fine -- just something to think about as the photo doesn't show me enough detail.
Hi guys. I'm a homeowner that had a porch with metal roof added to the front of our house. The roofing company just came and installed the roofing. I think it looks odd that they removed some of the asphalt shingles on the garage roof and replaced it with metal where the porch and garage roof meet. My question is can asphalt and metal roofing meet at a valley? Hopefully I'm explaining myself well enough. I've attached a picture that should better explain it. Thanks so much for your help.