Panel install short

TOPIcs: Installation

Panel install short

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I believe they will be installing a Z Channel between the ribs, and sealing it into place. The ridge / shed cap will then lock over the Z Channels. Because of the short panels, they will have to have a pretty large ridge / shed cap. If the Z Channels are sealed in well, though, the short panels should not pose a problem through the cap will not be well supported in those areas.

Todd Miller
2021-02-19 18:13:25.331280

I'm wondering if this is normal and okay. the panels are between 4 and 8 inches short of the top edge of the roof. The roofer says it's fine.

It seems to me that this is just a potential leak zone and that even placing a second piece over the top to extend to the top edge before a flashing is installed is not a correct installation.

I'd love you opinion.


Stephen Bossio
2021-02-19 17:08:34.062462