Metal roof for outdoor gazebo

TOPIcs: Installation

Metal roof for outdoor gazebo

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Have you reached out to Metal Sales? They are good folks and really are the best to comment on what you're asking. I am sorry but I do not have access to all of their test data in order to confidently answer your question. David Sterner at Metal Sales corporate would be the best person to contact.

Todd Miller
2020-06-04 00:31:37.778215

We have a large gazebo in the backyard. It is made very strong but I dont really want to do the lattice roof type where rain will leak in. I want to do a metal roof but no plywood underlayment, just metal screwed into the rafters. All I care about is somewhat waterproof although doesn't need to be perfect and want full shade.

I think Image II from metal sales 12" and the thicker gauge. Is this strong enough to be mounted on 24" center rafters with no plywood under? My concerns would be flexing in the wind and making alot of noise or during a strong storm being ripped off and becoming a projectile. I would use D-Style Eave Trim and fold the sheet under 1" all the way around.

Curtis Lloyd
2020-06-03 23:28:39.607840