Standing Seam Installation Systems

TOPIcs: Installation

Standing Seam Installation Systems

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To me, the biggest topic of your discussion should be this: A metal roof will have a colder temperature than other roofs. This change increases the risk of condensation inside the structure -- warm moist air originating inside the structure reaching a cool surface created by the cooler roof ... and condensing. So, you need to talk to your contractor about things like insulation, ventilation, vapor barriers, and thermal breaks and how those things can help prevent condensation. I'd be happy to hold a conference call with you and your contractor to discuss it if you wish.

Todd Miller
2020-05-15 12:11:48.518958

I'm looking to install standing seam on my roof, near Denver, CO.

What are preferred systems I should be asking contractors about if:
a) I use no insulation
b) I lay down full rigid insulation
c) I lay down rigid insulation in some areas, but not others

If within my budget, I would consider some insulation, as 2 areas are vaulted, and may not have that much insulation.

I have seen

  • mounted directly touching the deck/sheathing
  • solid deck of insulation, with 1x4 on top, topped with standing seam
  • sleeper type system with 2x4's with insulation between

But am not sure what is a grade-A vs Grade B approach. I have also heard that not setting the metal right on the deck can increase the chances of more significant hail damage.

It is an older home, so one cannot count on everything being flat, level, or true. Rafters are of 2x4 construction, and longest runs of metal would be around 16'. 4/12 roof pitch.

Ross Rossn
2020-05-15 02:50:48.606801

Thanks, Todd! I went poking into my roof assembly this weekend, and it looks like 2x12 construction, with the top two inches under the deck baffled by cardboard, then 10" fiberglass, then vapor barrier, then 1/2" drywall. So, I guess good on the baffles, though maybe not the best in that they are not air sealed from the fiberglass. I will have to decide if I do a vent or not.

Appreciate the offer for the call, and may well take you up on that after this next week. Thanks again!

Ross Rossn
2020-05-18 02:15:24.220299

Thanks, Todd. I sent you an e-mail with my contractors included to see if we can find time for a brief call.

Ross Rossn
2020-06-01 00:44:45.080107