Always adhere to manufacturer instructions but I'd have the valley pan stay on top ... and the metal panels go up under the fascia or even put a small flashing at the bottom of the fascia.
Thanks. There is no reason to not use a drip edge (other than cost) and yet many good reasons to use one ... I would use one.
Can anyone help me figure out to flash the valley corners on our house? Installing a 5 rib type exposed fastener steel roof from a local manufacturer. Not sure if I should slip a panel under the facia board and overhang or keep it separate and use valley flashing on the outside of the overhang, if that makes sense. Thank you in advance for any advice.
Great thank you for the reply. Another question I have had a hard time getting an straight answer on is weather or not to put a drip edge on at the eaves where there will be gutters. I am planning a 1.5" overhang (metal extending past wood)? Any thoughts?