Double lock issue

TOPIcs: Installation

Double lock issue

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The ESE seamers are normally spot on, but you are right, it looks like it's hand seamed.

Can you run a different seamer down it? Do you have access to another?

Eric Novotny
2020-02-01 14:32:02.483675

Looking for advice on this seam. We’ve been fighting this condition since the go and can’t seem to make it stop. The roof is being seamed with a new ESE K9 seamer. Pans were formed with a ESE former and both legs have been measured for correct tolerance. The seamer has been adjusted multiple times but we continue to get this wave. You’d think the roof was hand closed. McElroy metals did a coil test for camber and everything was fine. I’m at a loss and need some suggestions on how to get the seams flattened and how to stop this effect. 0AE8BE65-3591-4D92-B27F-2F666987AC7C.jpeg

Robert Yuras
2020-02-01 11:53:48.771715

I’m considering renting a Di 5 station seamer to run again. I’m just baffled why it’s happening.

Robert Yuras
2020-02-02 04:50:49.375034