layering metal roofing on a moving structure

TOPIcs: Installation

layering metal roofing on a moving structure

RETURN TO Installation

What sort of metal roof are you installing? Yes, if you can face opening away from the wind, that is good. Generally speaking metal makes a good application for such things.

Todd Miller
2019-10-21 15:39:12.660850

With most metal systems, you can install as many fasteners and clips as you like. So put a few more at the edges that may catch wind.

The way you layer panels will be set by the type of panel. There are quite a number of styles.

Bryce Nesbitt
2019-10-23 05:49:32.161538

hello, I am building my tiny house with a metal roof. I wanted to know if there is a proper way to layer the metal panels to lower the chances of them catching air and coming off going down the highway? I was informed that metal sheets should be installed so that the sheets overlap where the seal is towards the back, so that air cannot enter. Does anyone have any experience with this? I need to make sure it is correct before I move it for the 1st time. Thank you

Tina Tibbs
2019-10-21 15:31:55.945087