Florida code

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Florida code

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The key in Florida is to choosing a roofing system that has FL product listing for that pitch. In metal, that will be a mechanically seamed standing seam but you must ensure the product has FL approval.

Todd Miller
2019-10-19 20:17:47.866737

I have a 1:12 roof pitch.
What is the Florida code for metal roofing of that pitch?

Gregory Lal-Beharie
2019-10-15 05:42:51.368675

Since posting this question I came about the Florida code.

I have not found IMAGES of what these two roof profiles actually look like - especially the latter.
Can you post a link?


  1. The minimum slope for lapped, nonsoldered seam metal roofs with applied lap sealant shall be one-half unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (4-percent slope). Lap sealants shall be applied in accordance with the approved manufacturer's installation instructions.

  2. The minimum slope for standing seam of roof systems shall be one-quarter unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2-percent slope).

Gregory Lal-Beharie
2019-10-19 20:23:35.721686