3 types of flashing intersecting

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3 types of flashing intersecting

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Transition Flashing is the proper way to complete

Rick Clements
2019-07-14 10:59:03.191155

Let's see what others think but I feel a valley is the only way to go. Maybe someone else will have a better idea. Have you contacted your panel manufacturer? Also, I would really suggest solid decking beneath the panels on the shed roof, and underlayment on top of all of the decking.

Todd Miller
2019-05-29 08:55:26.916380

I have a 2 part question that I hope to get answered before the rain sets in. I have an added porch with a 6/12 pitch gable roof that ties to a vertical hardi siding wall. Also a low slope shed roof that attaches. All shown in picture. My first problem is do I use Valley flashing being that the high slope dumps onto a low slope, or is a transition flashing of sorts a better option. Dont want water to "jump" the V bend and go underneath low slope metal panels. Also the valley does not meet at the corner like a normal valley would so it would need to be cut in a weird angle and the exit point of water from the high side would be off the corner at least a foot. Last question, in what order do I put flashing where they all meet. Endwall, sidewall, and valley. And does valley flashing need to be bent up the wall in some fashion to prevent water from going behind it from the upper slope. This is a very tricky situation but I desperately need to figure out before rain comes in. Thanks so much and I hope I made some sense.20190528_115755.jpguploading 20190528_115852.jpg

Matt Andrews
2019-05-29 05:42:27.172590