Corrugated, flashing

TOPIcs: Installation

Corrugated, flashing

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I would suggest looking online for a manufacturer of this type of panel and then seeking out their installation instructions, which should include flashing instructions.

Todd Miller
2019-04-29 08:17:32.032503

Step 1 - check with the panel manufacturer that they will even warranty said pitch.

Eric Novotny
2019-04-26 12:17:14.562741

I plan to install a 7/8 corrugated roof over the top of my existing comp/shingles. The problem I have is a very low pitch, only 1-3/4 in 12.

I have various vents & skylights, because of the low pitch, typical flashing (under the upper panel, over the lower panel) won't work.

How should I flash in this situation?

Thanks for the advice!

Luke Hopkins
2019-04-25 22:30:22.812495

Thanks for the response. These are surplus panels that I will be installing myself, so no warranty considerations.

Any thoughts on the flashing?


Luke Hopkins
2019-04-29 02:24:42.142324