New Standing Metal Seam Roof Installation Workmanship?

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New Standing Metal Seam Roof Installation Workmanship?

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Sorry ... you might try loading them as jpg files but just load one or two at a time. If you wish, you can also email them to me at You might see if there is a supplier upstream who might help mediate this -- perhaps the coil supplier Beauty can be in the eye of the beholder and sometimes there are cosmetic concerns that are not functional concerns but, oftentimes, cosmetic concerns also hold some degree of functional concern.

Todd Miller
2019-04-26 09:12:41.190591

Hello Everyone,

The wife and I are now at the beginning of week #6 of an ongoing metal standing seam roof installation of a 225 year old colonial house. The house originally had an old slate roof installed over cedar shakes that required replacement due to a large colony of bats in the attic. The scope of work included removal of the existing two roof layers, installation of new 3/4” CDX decking, synthetic underlayment, and mechanically seamed 24 gauge standing metal seam panels roll formed on site. The project has had some issues from the beginning and the primary ongoing concerns have been the quality of workmanship. There have been several job stoppages and site meetings with owners to review the concerns. At this point, the roofing company owners have indicated that the quality or work is considered acceptable and water-tight. Possibly, I am too picky but the overall work is just plain sloppy. Please let me know if I am being unreasonable.

The following pictures show the step pattern at the eave hem, the seam transition, the valley transition, and the chimney counter flashings. I was willing to accept the excessive oil canning and waviness of the roof due to the age of the house and pre-existing conditions. However, the poor workmanship is driving me nuts.uploading 5F2A1AFE-A226-429F-8D06-43B245EADCFF.jpeguploading A0E6E08F-26A9-4FC6-A460-30272C25AD67.jpeguploading 8F89A9EB-D3F8-4912-BEE4-CEFB31297B11.jpeguploading E75F8F79-6B58-4414-B13F-1F22DFA4C513.jpeguploading ED927BE6-0E3C-484C-BC73-87E45DADB006.jpeguploading E6653522-0624-429A-BAEB-7D3CB117C30D.jpeguploading 335015D5-42CD-4080-97C9-A12A24F3FC6A.jpeguploading 5970EBE7-BCB8-448A-9F44-6E43DBC5AB9E.jpeguploading 26C619F4-0FC5-4278-8EC3-8E505B7F93DC.jpeguploading 7F44C0B4-B8F7-4E4B-8536-94CECBF31196.jpeg

Brian Molkenthin
2019-04-25 00:00:17.736626

Can anyone advise on how to get the pictures uploaded?

I have converted them to PDF and still get an error message.

Brian Molkenthin
2019-04-26 03:07:19.448668