Termination of side wall flashing

TOPIcs: Installation

Termination of side wall flashing

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Are you using a Z Cleat or something on the end of the panels for the wall flashing to lock onto? If so, the flashing should then extend out over any adjoining trim. Can you post a photo of your situation?

Todd Miller
2019-04-04 09:15:16.949605

I have existing metal siding. I am adding an enclosed sunroom with a 312 pitch new metal roof. I understand the side wall flashing from the ridge down. How do you terminate the very end of the flashing where it transitions to the facia. Seems like there’s going to be an opening for Water to get in behind the cut in the existing siding?

Rick Roemke
2019-04-04 00:03:09.529346

Thank you for your response, I am a DIY I have not started the project yet just trying to work out a couple things in my mind. The roofing will be exposed fastener. Installation videos online show butyl tape on the exposed edge of the flashing to the roof but do not go into great detail about the turned up portion of the flashing attached to the existing building. It’s the transition from vertical to horizontal with the existing siding placed over the top of that horizontal termination

Rick Roemke
2019-04-04 12:11:21.127967