I am assuming the base metal is steel. Any scratches through to bare steel should be carefully touched up.
It will be impossible to install with zero scratches, in my opinion. Could these installers have been more careful? In my opinion, yes. Is touch-up as good as the original finish? No. But it probably is the only option and a certain amount of touch-up is not unusual.
I do not know what caused those long scratches. They are rather unusual. I do second that scratches through to the primer or metal should be touched up.
Hi, I just had a brand new metal roof installed. I've never had one before so don't know if the installers were careless or if this is normal but there are many scratches down to the metal all over the roof. I am worried about rust. Also I found what looks to be permanent marker directly on the roof in several locations.
Should I expect a brand new roof to be virtually scratch-free? Not sure how much to complain. Thanks!
I was told that it is steel. Is this normal to have scratches like this? As long as they touch it up with paint, should the issue be resolved?
Dear dpallotta and Todd,
I am in a similar situation. There are scratches. Some are superficial but long, some shorter scratches penetrate to the metal. The material is Kynar 500-painted Galvalume by Drexel. Panels are mechanically seamed. The installers have already been back once to do touch ups, but I suspect more touch up work is needed. I have attached example pictures from after the first touch up. Would very much appreciate your input since when I called Drexel, they were unwilling to have a look at pictures to see if these scratches are an issue. Instead they referred me back to the installer.