Gambrel roofing installation

TOPIcs: Installation

Gambrel roofing installation

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It's probably going to be okay but that "probably" is a big qualifier. The transition flashing does not tip back uphill at all, does it? My real preference would have been if the bottom edge of the upper panels would have been locked over a cleat. Downside to having the panels overhang is visibility of the back side of the metal.

Todd Miller
2019-02-28 17:58:22.187976

I have a 3/12 pitch going onto a 7/12. The roofer installed the panels on the upper section short of the edge of the gambrel flashing. The water sits along the seam at the bottom of the panel and up under it. I'm worried about ice crawling up under the panels in the winter. The installation guide from the manufacturer shows a 1" min overhang past the gambrel flashing. Is this installation acceptable or can I ask the roofer to redo it?

Thanks, Derrick

Derrick Taylor
2019-02-28 16:16:02.331178