Does this look right? Paying a lot of money for this roof and so far I’m not convinced

TOPIcs: Installation

Does this look right? Paying a lot of money for this roof and so far I’m not convinced

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I would suggest you talk to them. There are different ways to handle gable panels and whatever they have done here has forced ripples into the panels from the fasteners. I'd encourage them to contact the panel manufacturer and look for alternative methods.

Todd Miller
2019-02-23 11:19:52.651883

I am having a metal roof installed.
Paying a lot of money and I’m not convinced they are doing a good job.
Is this normal?550B3E67-3C6D-4F2B-9178-909A5496FF9C.jpeguploading 58FDFD96-C0BD-4E98-9A1F-C1531CE411B7.jpeg

Lisa Dawson
2019-02-23 05:17:23.172553

We also see rippling thoughout the roof panels.
I understand that some waviness can be expected, but this seems to be a lot.24CB67C2-3DCB-46F9-8BD9-B1F1473E9D4B.jpeg568DD694-3EBA-41B4-9ABC-A53A8B5EA042.jpegF7BE2FF8-4E48-4AD6-BDBE-B7FF8C8A97A7.jpeg

Lisa Dawson
2019-02-23 15:28:47.356925

This is my next problem.
Do you see issues here?
Ridge cap is twisted and not laying flat
Thank you 44AB663F-B535-474D-8ADC-FCAAD843ABC0.jpeg

Lisa Dawson
2019-02-28 03:46:55.623662