Installing metal roofing directly on to boat house shingles

TOPIcs: Installation

Installing metal roofing directly on to boat house shingles

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What you describe is not unusual though you'd have to make sure that it can be permitted in Florida. I am not sure of the exact requirements there on a structure like this. I will drop you an email with some information that may be helpful. I would strongly suggest underlayment because it likely is required by code. I also get concerned about the old asphalt shingles rubbing against the back of the metal roof and causing problems. Follow roofing manufacturer instructions. Extreme unevenness in the old shingle surface could be visible through the new roof as well.

Todd Miller
2018-12-13 09:57:14.331428

I apologize if my question has been addressed previously, but given the type of structure to be re-roofed (an open air dock / boat house roof rather than an occupied structure), I thought I would start a new thread. The shingles on my lake boat house roof are approximately 20 - 25 years old, and many were blown off as a result of Hurricane Michael (I'm in N FL). Despite the missing and / or not great condition of the old shingles, the decking is otherwise in pretty good shape and the roof does not leak. Since my particular situation does not involve a climate controlled living space with attic, insulation, etc., and given the hassle of trying to match and replace the missing shingles on a piece meal basis, I was thinking of just installing roofing panels directly on top of the existing shingled roof. This would include screwing the panels right into the current decking and / or trusses. I also do NOT plan to install any underlayment over the old shingles, or to install 1 x 4's that the roofing panels would be screwed to. Given the type of structure involved, is this installation plan acceptable? If not, what should I do differently?

Brantley Henderson
2018-12-12 18:38:44.508120