Is there no attic space? If there is attic space, is it ventilated? Per the International Building Code, underlayment should be between the roof decking boards and the metal roofing.
Sorry, I re-read your post and you answered some of my questions. I really advise underlayment. If you can put a vapor barrier such as polyethylene behind your ceilings, that will be very helpful by keeping moisture from rising to the space behind the metal roofing but I still feel you need the underlayment. I do not feel that an air gap (such as could be achieved with battens) is necessary but, again, they have not adhered to most building codes when they chose to go without underlayment.
I'm in the process of purchasing a cabin in the mountains in Western North Carolina. The cabin was built in 1872 and then moved to this new location in the 70's. From the inside I can see what appears to be 1x12 boards covering the roof beams. From the outside you can see a corrugated metal roofing material. Rather than drop the price of the cabin the seller elected to put a new metal roof on. I asked what vapor barrier was used and was told the roofer said it was not necessary. My concern is that this new metal roofing material is being put down directly onto the 1x12 boards and that condensation will occur and rot the boards under the metal roof. I plan to somehow insulate the inside ceiling. Its not an attic but an cathedral ceiling so all heat will rise straight to whatever insulation I put in. Since I am not being given the option of paying for the roof I want my questions are. Will the new roof just condensate and ruin the 1x12's under the metal. Should I bite the bullet and just take the roof back off and put a vapor barrier with an air gap between the metal and the 1x12's. Can I use spray insulation on the inside or prevent any of the condensation from happening above it or will it just condensate between the insolation and the 1x12's. Just looking for words of wisdom from you experts.
My roofer took 7500.00 then 900.00 more and while my wife lay in side after having a heart attack pace maker and defibrillator installed they basically lied to me. No underlayment. No insulation. No end gap closures same on ridgecap.no drip edge. Looks like a crakerbox .it leaks around stove pipe flashing. No venting. Well, except for end gaps . it's doubled our heating and cooling bills. I want to sue .
Oh yeah.and now we have black mold up there. It's a Mobil home 65 ft by 12 ft.my daughters and my wife are all sick now with strachybochus mold poisoning and pneumonia. And I wanna know how this man can sleep at nights. He said he was doing underlayment ,along with Inca mat 1/4 inch air gap .and end gap closure.anyone who looks at pics can't believe their eyes.its a nightmare. I ask you Sir... Do you think he should pay to have a reputable firm redo this?