Belt fed neoprene washer screw gun

TOPIcs: Installation

Belt fed neoprene washer screw gun

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I am not aware of one. That would be an extremely specialized tool if it existed for what I am sure most tool developers would argue is a more limited field.

Eric Novotny
2018-09-30 03:15:14.571993

Built up roofing or tar roofing, is the oldest and least seldom used type of commercial flat roofing anymore by contractors
residential roofing nj

pro fessional
2018-10-21 12:47:04.897472

Does anyone know if they make a screw gun that uses belt fed screws with neoprene washers? I continually find belt fed decking screw guns and even ones with extensions so you don’t have to bend over and I would love to find one that I can use on a metal roof with neoprene washers and the same extension so I don’t have to bend over.

Russell Frauendorfer
2018-09-30 03:09:52.413031