Roof Problems

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Roof Problems

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I have seen the same thing unfortunately. Any chance you can get the panel manufacturer to work with your installer to make corrections?

Todd Miller
2018-09-29 13:15:01.709050

Jared, feel free to email photos to me. Do you know if you could bring in a repair crew that is not licensed in WV? Unfortunately I did not know any crews in WV ... but perhaps contacting some manufacturers around you might point you in a good direction.

Todd Miller
2018-09-30 20:54:45.546568

How about some other pictures. What else are you seeing?

Unfortunately, West Virginia is pretty onerous to work in. They don't like outside contractors from my personal experience.

Eric Novotny
2018-09-29 13:13:47.950170

I recently had a new home built and we used a metal roof. The builder installed the roof and has done a very poor job. I have some real concerns for it longevity and aesthetics. I don’t trust the builder to repair it correctly. Oh, and by the way, this is the 2nd roof install do to problems with first install.
I was hoping someone could recommend a knowledgeable and experienced installer that could come look at what has been done and what it’s going to take to get it repaired correctly. I live in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, my zip code is 25427.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


This is one thing that I found, I couldn’t believe it. I have many more pictures. It is truly a hack job.

Jared Creel
2018-09-29 12:36:13.407001

I’m going to get some pictures today. I am going to reach out to the manufacturer to see if they can recommend someone. I don’t want the builder touching it anymore. Need to get someone that is competent on metal roofing. Unfortunately this isn’t the only issue I have had.

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Sorry about the bad pictures it was at night don’t have much time.
Many places not snapped into trim and riveted. Bad cuts and finish work. Caulk used places it should. Fasteners in place where water can penetrate. And the video shows gable end not even attached. Afraid to see what is underneath.

Jared Creel
2018-09-29 14:07:30.729783

I will get some better pictures today. Haven’t been able to get up there in daylight so to time.
I plan to reach out to the manufacturer. I don’t trust the builder to even try to rectify the issues. At this point I really need to get someone knowledgeable and knows what they are doing.

Jared Creel
2018-09-29 14:22:52.842106

I may have double posted sorry!

Jared Creel
2018-09-29 14:23:35.252279

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Jared Creel
2018-09-29 15:32:14.234367

Looks like there may have been a problem uploading all my pictures.

Jared Creel
2018-09-30 12:32:52.840177

Todd Miller, would it be possible for me to email you some photos and give me your opinion. I’m trying to get an experts advice so I have a good case with the builder. I think it’s pretty obvious from the work that’s been done.

I plan to reach out to the manufacturer tomorrow about it.

I was hoping you could recommend someone near me that could look at this and hopefully fix it properly.

Thanks Jared

Jared Creel
2018-09-30 14:06:11.815775

Built up roofing or tar roofing, is the oldest and least seldom used type of commercial flat roofing anymore by contractors
residential roofing nj

pro fessional
2018-10-21 12:52:26.055638