Thanks. It sounds like you have tried everything including using hand tools to crimp the seams so I won't re-hash that. Honestly, since the starred areas seem relatively short and few, I am not hugely concerns about their impact on wind resistance. Yes, those could be "famous last words" but that's my initial thought. That said, are rivets the world's worst idea? No, you have thought it through well. Are you confident water can't get through those areas? That concerns me more than wind problems.
here is basically what I have. https://imgur.com/m9qtGAD However the exact shape varies and in many places is much more distorted. Some places the second seam made it worse and in some places just a little better. This was messed up by an electric seamer. I dont want to spend a lot of time on whys and whens. The roof is done, just i know it has nowhere near the strength that it would have if properly double seamed. We have tried to go over the seams with several different hand seamers, but in many places it's still inadequate. Im not interested in doing this entire job again or unfolding and re seaming these. This is my house, Im doing this for myself.
What Im thinking of doing is putting fasteners, horiz through the standing walls and clips, like shown here in green: https://imgur.com/a/CABk5Wg (clip not shown)
now i know this partially defeats the hidden fastener idea, but i only bought a hidden fasten system to help prevent leaks into my home, so im thinking if water does leak thru the rivets, it wont go through the peel and stick, because these rivets dont and at the end of each panel on the eave there are slight opening for water to drain and Im thinking fasteners like interlock rivets wont likely leak, but if they do slightly over time, it should drain out the eave end.
This is my roof here https://imgur.com/a/qeZLMB7 and all those panels left of the seamer have been double seamed by the seamer, where you see my arrows is shaped like my 1st image above. Where you see the stars is where Im thinking of riveting and where you see the lightning is a small opening (drain) if any small amounts of water might get inside the seams at the rivets.
Gulfcoast versaloc. And yes ive spoken to them about this and several roofers too.
Thank you.