new residential construction roof

TOPIcs: Installation

new residential construction roof

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While, technically, not using decking would work, it creates a real mess if and when the roof has to be removed. Also, generally, I prefer closed cell. If moisture migrates through the foam, it will condense on the back side of the roofing / roof decking, which is not a good thing. I hope this helps.

Todd Miller
2018-07-31 09:17:33.570465

We are building a new home. We live on the north of Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana. We are trying to be as cost effective in order to build our dream home (actually doing a lot of the work ourselves). It will be a straight gable roof.
My question is about best vs minimum installation practices.

  1. 26 g panels/2x4 purlins/open cell insulation
  2. 26 g panels/polypropylene roof underlayment/sheathing/open cell insulation
    ...or any other suggestions :)


2018-07-30 20:37:06.719823

There are several benefits to metal roof & they are last a long time. Metal roofs are cost-effective, especially when considering the durability.

Steffan Thomas
2018-08-27 05:39:11.652118