Battens moving?

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Battens moving?

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I am a bit perplexed. How can the battens go uphill? Don't they run into the ridge cap? Can you post a photo of the ridge detail please?

Todd Miller
2018-07-30 00:35:27.632153

I am confused by what's going on. But, yes, I would think you could use rivets or zip screws to fasten the batten to the panels.

Todd Miller
2018-07-30 17:21:30.622443

My new shop had a standing seam roof installed on it about three years ago. During the first year, a couple of the battens started to slide down slightly, and I had to push then back up. Recently, I noticed several of the battens have slid up the roof (see photos). Are these problems lack of sufficent clips, battens too short, or other poor installation method? Thanks for any enlightenment on these issues. 20180729_184427.jpg20180729_184418.jpg20180729_184414.jpg

D. Huff
2018-07-30 00:02:42.855895

Thanks for responding so quickly. I am also puzzled as well. The standing seam panels have not moved. Attached are some more photos. Somehow the thermal expansion/contracting must be gradually moving the battens. Before I try to get the contractor back, I would like to feel good on a fix approach. Since the batten ends are over a drip edge, could the battens ends be riveted to the panels (after pulling back down). Any minimum leakage should travel over the drip edge and out. 20180730_125250.jpg20180730_125227.jpg20180730_125257.jpg

D. Huff
2018-07-30 17:14:44.921580