Judging by the pictures it looks like you definitely have some issues going on here. Looks to me like its more than just the "fit and finish" of a project. Its easy and a lot of the time common to have scratches and dings after an install with metal but steps are often taken to fix these with products provided by the manufacturer. As Todd said you are in my service area and I would be happy to put a fresh set of eyes on the project for you.
I understand and appreciate your concerns. Has the manufacturer seen these photos? I would not see why they couldn't apply a wider ridge cap. As for the scratches, those are pretty significant though they do not seem to go through to bare metal. If they do apply touch up, I'd insist that they use a paint system the same quality / chemistry as the original paint finish. This will help prevent major fading and color difference in the future.
The following company is based out of Sioux Falls but they are very qualified and I believe they get into your area on occasion. That said, I can make no assurances of their willingness nor desire to get involved. http://mlcconstruction.biz
We just had a standing seam roof installed by a company claiming to be the best in the region. They first snow fall ended up directing us to the 1st problem. Snow blew I'm the ridge vent and melted/dripped inside the house. Upon inspection by my contractor, install company rep and the manufacturer they discovered there were parts of the roof that had no Rodger vent foam at all and done had the foam but no double bead tape or sealant and some areas had only double bead tape on the bottom.
They said they would be back to fix. They came back 2 weeks later and took off some areas of the ridge vent and put in foam and double sided tape. My contractor noticed dips/sways while looking at the ridge vent. They apparently were trying to put a 4/12 pitch ridge vent on a 10/12 pitch. This created a shorter ridge vent which didn't cover the previous holes. They popped a rivet in some, screws in others and left some open. They came back again to try to fix but didn't succeed and they left a dormer valley exposed so that you could see the tyvec wrap.
They came back again to try to fix.
My contractor suggested we have other metal roofers inspect. We had 2 come look and they said it was the worst install they had ever seen.
Looking closer we found there to be hundreds of scratches. A few had touch up paint but several hundred had none. We also found that there appears to be some nails under the metal panels. They also did not apply tube sealant in every sheet overlay as the installation manual says "must be applied"
The installation company workers have been on the roof 4 more times since original install. My contractor has met with the install company and has shown them more than 75 photos of problems. They keep saying they will come and apply touch up paint to scratches and fix the holes due to a shorter ridge vent. Their sales rep said "you can take a camera and zoom in on any roof and find scratches like these."
The metal roof material manufacturer won't give us a statement other than saying there installation companys work is appropriate. (The installation company is a very prominent company that just recently started using this manufacturers products)
I'm wondering if these pictures are acceptable and can they be fixed without removing the roof. The tube sealant obviously would require removal but we are thinking the scratches that have compromised the baked on costing is more excessive than should be expected.
Thank you for any advise I can get!
No, the manufacturer rep said he wouldn't come out. We have a strong feeling that he is trying to protect the install company. The scratches aren't the only concern. There are nails under the metal and no sealant was used where the installation instructions say "must be used"
Does anyone know if an unbiased metal roofing expert company that could evaluate? I am in northeast South Dakota. I've called a home inspection company and they said they are not metal roof experts. I'm sure we will be going to court as the 2 metal roofing companies have told us that the nails need too be removed from under the metal, the valleys aren't installed properly, the roof will most likely leak and ice buildup will work it's way under the metal.
Thank you!