Is metal suitable for side wall?

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Is metal suitable for side wall?

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A quality metal panel could look nice and offer good durability.

Todd Miller
2018-04-09 23:18:33.678205

Pete, metal is frequently used on roofs of that style. Depending upon the style of product you choose, it could have very different looks. To some degree, with the pitch changes, a metal shingle might be easier on the eyes than a vertical seam panel.

Todd Miller
2018-08-22 01:15:04.160010

SHingle or metal.jpg
Would you simply re-shingle the triangular side wall on my house or would you use metal roofing on that vertical surface? Copper would not be out of place in this neighborhood. (Yes, clapboards would look best but difficult to maintain and very expensive to install there.)

Mike M
2018-04-09 22:52:56.430389

I have a 3 story log cabin with a Dutch barn style roof but with near vertical sides dropping down about 6 feet with about a 2ft flare out and gutters at the bottom. Is it easy/practical to use metal roofing.
Any particular kind?

Pete Walsh
2018-08-22 00:47:39.120750