need help with metal roofing

TOPIcs: Installation

need help with metal roofing

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It sounds like you will need to install a valley pan where the two roof planes join.

Todd Miller
2018-02-21 10:42:34.948586

Hi I am having trouble trying to figure out roofing an add on to my shed. Ok my shed already has two add ons in an L shape an I am wanting to add on again between these two add ons, the only problem is the metal roofs do not run the same directions. On one side I can continue running the roofing straight across but I do not know how to tie into the other roof that runs a different direction. Can you please help. Thank you

Sheila Sharpe
2018-02-21 04:08:06.693761

How many sheets of metal roofing does it take for a 80ft Double wide trailer home?

Zackariah Coleman
2018-03-12 19:40:26.495261