it is a shame they did not make you aware of the short sheets.
fortunately you will be able to overlap an 'extension' sheet of the same profile. find out from the manufacturer what is the shortest panel they can produce coming off the rollforming line.
I recommend a minimum of 2'0". place two rows of butyl tape parallel to the ridge on the existing panel to prevent capillary action. this should be 2 and 4" above the bottom of the extension sheet. The first fastner needs to be above the two rows.
let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Dick Bus
2017-11-13 12:27:58.000000
I made a HUGE mistake and hired a co-worker of mine who (supposedly ) does roofing as a side job to put a metal roof over my existing shingle roof on a 2008 double wide. The guy I hired measured,ordered materials and then ended up having someone else show up to do the job. (Another coworker ) The guy actually doing the work informed me this afternoon, as they were finishing putting on the ridge cap, that whoever ordered the metal ordered it about 6 inches too short! I've got maybe a half an inch overhang past the eave drip. In some spots it's not that much. He said I have maybe an inch and a half up under the ridge cap. The home also had 8 square ventilation vents on the back and they only kept 2 on the roof. The other 6 they took off and put the metal over the holes. What can I do to fix the issues now that it's been installed? After reading some on this forum I'm worried about leaking because of no overhang and condensation because I now have 2 vents instead of 8. Any help appreciated
Stacy Ruppe
2017-11-13 02:08:11.000000
I am new to this forum and not sure how to post pics but if you'll give me a couple of minutes I will sure take some and try
Stacy Ruppe
2017-11-13 10:29:20.000000
Its worse than I thought. First time on the roof since the metal started going on
Stacy Ruppe
2017-11-13 11:17:58.000000
At this point I dont know. There are multiple places that I can see naked plywood close to the ridge. Theres another placenthat the overlap on two sheets were done backwards to where thesecond sheet was placed on top of the first instead of under. Multiple places the metal doesnt even run out as far as the edge of the drip edge and the two out of eight vents that were put back have extra screw holes meaning they've been used before but arent mine. Im a supervisor at a pulp and paper mill and both of these guys work for one of my contractors and always do an efficient and practicle job at work with great work ethic. I am flabbergasted at the way this job has turned out. Ive been here everyday theyve worked and had they just knocked on the door the minute they realized the metal was too short, yes I would have been upset but we would have had a few options as to how to proceed. The fact that they knew and didnt bothdr saying anything until after the last sheet was up has my blood boiling
Stacy Ruppe
2017-11-13 11:34:12.000000
Sorry to hear of the troubles. Any chance you can post some pictures?
Eric Novotny
2017-11-13 08:36:01.000000
You can email them to me or Todd as well.
Eric Novotny
2017-11-13 10:57:39.000000
I see a few issues there. If the overlaps are okay, it should be fixable. I would have him check all the screws as several look over torqued.
Some flat coil in that color to bridge some of the overlaps is probably an advisable repair as well.
How competent is the guy that actually came out to install the remainder of the work?