Snap Lok Panels not snapping

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Snap Lok Panels not snapping

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Part of running panels involves various quality checks including occasionally interlocking the panels to make sure everything is okay. It is not unreasonable at all to ask him to come put a couple together to see if he has the same problems you did. Is this a clip system? It almost sounds to me like these panels have a different lock than the previous panels and, perhaps, the clip does not work well with them.
Todd Miller
2017-11-12 15:22:06.000000
I'm DIY installing my metal roof. The project consists of 175 pans, none longer than 7', 16" wide. The pans are being fabricated locally by a respected sheet metal company. They use a NTM machine. 24 Gauge, kynar, steel. About 18% of the pans (most were 24" long) delivered had scratches running the entire length - the supplier replaced them. He did not realize they were scratched - from what he told me, the metal coil stock he gets (pre-slit as he cannot slit rolls) had the scratches in them. He used some stock he had on hand to replace the pans, and that too had some scratching. I suspect he used stock he had on hand from previous jobs for some of my material in the original delivery (an observation, not a complaint) as he didn't know which supplier gave him the bad roll. The pans from the original delivery went on fine - I used a small (12oz?) rubber mallet to snap them in. The rib would expand then collapse as it gripped the locking portion of the previous pan. I was barely able to install four of the replacement pans. Even replacement pan to replacement pan, the ribs did not want to snap together. I had to beat on the rib till it was physically dented for it to grip. Even then, the rib is wider than the previous ribs that went on nicely. It seemed like the rib would expand - then stay expanded. I'm going to call him Monday - but in the interim any ideas? 1) Thickness of steel is identical (caliper measurements) 2) He used flat stock as well as coil stock 3) The roof is FLAT and isn't due to warpage on the roof I went out today and bought an 18oz mallet, as well as a 45oz polyurethane deadblow (last resort!) Any thoughts?
John P
2017-11-12 12:12:01.000000
I want to clarify one (unimportant) thing - 18% represents the replacement linear feet - about 170. He replaced 22 24" pans, and 17 6-7' pans. And a followup - what can I do to ensure this eventually gets done right? I'm not a contractor, or builder, and I don't know what my expectations should be. I'm going to ask him to come out an snap a pan in - is that unreasonable? He also does roofing work, so it isn't outside of his normal services.
John P
2017-11-12 12:37:16.000000
They are not clip lock - they have an integrated screw down flange. From what I can tell from NTM's website, the machine he has makes a FFR100 panel (with optional stiffening ribs). You can see a PDF of it here:
John P
2017-11-12 16:21:07.000000
He'g going to talk with the mfg of the machine. He said he has never changed that side of the machine, so he doesn't know why they aren't rolled properly.
John P
2017-11-13 12:01:48.000000
Sounds like the roll forming may have been out a bit if you were able to lock the previously supplied units. I would start with him on Monday and see what they say.
Eric Novotny
2017-11-12 12:17:09.000000