Horizontal Dents on new roof

TOPIcs: Installation

Horizontal Dents on new roof

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I think you have a bow in the roof deck. If you sight up the seam of the panel you should see if there is a bow. Two ways to fix it. Shim the clip at the low spot. Or place backer rod the length of the panel creating a slight bow across the width. let us know if we can assist further.
Dick Bus
2017-10-24 12:25:57.000000
Hi Donna, This looks like oil-canning. I believe it is an aesthetic issue not a functional issue. Common sources of oil-canning include roof sheathing that is not in-plane, so that when the panel is attached, it becomes deformed and the selection of a profile that has large flat sections. I suggest running a string line from eave to ridge to see if the roof sheathing is in-plane. If there is variation, shimming can often resolve. Regards, David
David Stermer
2017-10-24 12:21:54.000000
We have just had a new 24g roof installed - 2/3rds installed actually - on a new home construction. The metal roof panels have several horizontal dents which are very visible. The roof installers have stopped until we figure out what is causing this. Any thoughts? Everyone is pointing fingers, what we know is that we paid for a good quality metal roof and don't want to live with one that is dented from the beginning. Photo posted for reference. Thank you in advance.
Donna Garner
2017-10-24 12:03:01.000000
Thank you for your response. We looked at the panels while they are laying in the shipping racks and there is no obvious sign of dents. Would they be evident?
Donna Garner
2017-10-24 12:18:32.000000
Thank you! The manufacturer is coming out this morning to take a look, I will post further information once we have met with him. I have attached another photo of another part of the roof, this also happened to a lesser degree on the garage. You guys are great!!!
Donna Garner
2017-10-24 12:32:05.000000
Looks like possibly a defect in the coil or the shipping of the panel if they were pre-formed and shipped to the site.
Eric Novotny
2017-10-24 12:14:07.000000
I agree with David and Dick. Based on the other pictures, it appears to be some defect in the roof deck that is exacerbating the oil canning effect. The definitely are not fundamental defects in the metal and the roof will last just as long. In some cases, the metal will relax over time and even out a bit as it heat cycles.
Eric Novotny
2017-10-24 13:27:45.000000