Chimney Options

TOPIcs: Installation

Chimney Options

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My chimney was installed after the house was initially built by the previous owner, I have pulled all the nails and staples out of it and gotten as much of the shingles and asphalt sealant off as I could. I didnt think removing the galvanized flashing was a good option since it is embedded into the mortar joint, so I plan on putting the PSU30 underneath of the galvanized flashing, but I am not sure how to handle the installation of the existing metal flashing once I lay the roof down. Do I just hammer it into the shape of the PBR panel and throw a ton of titebond sealant on it? Or is there a better approach?
Brad C
2017-10-17 13:13:18.000000 PBR panels (26 gauge) in Charcoal Gray on top of Titanium PSU 30.
Brad C
2017-10-17 17:39:59.000000
What roof are you putting down?
Eric Novotny
2017-10-17 16:04:03.000000
This is a pretty straightforward video here.
Eric Novotny
2017-10-21 09:09:22.000000