DIY-ers & Don't know what kind of insulation we should use

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DIY-ers & Don't know what kind of insulation we should use

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Thanks for helping your friends. Generally speaking, in most residential construction, insulation is most effective when placed on top of the ceilings, not the roof. That holds heat in the home in winter and also keeps heat out in the summer. Above that, you want a well ventilated attic that allows gained summer heat to escape and also helps avoid winter ice dams. Does the home have good attic ventilation? If not, then there might be some reason to discuss rooftop insulation. Also, not all roofing manufacturers in all cases will be okay with the rooftop insulation.
Todd Miller
2017-10-14 05:47:09.000000
I am a friend who is helping an older couple get a metal roof. It's an older 3bdrm rancher that had 3 layers of shingles(gone) and we are waiting for the roofing to come. My lady friend is very concerned about insulation. I think she is about to make a bad decision. She wants to have 1" R-tech put on first. It's about $800.00 Is there a more efficient, maybe even cheaper way? What about 1/2" and some new pink stuff in the attic? Pls help us b4 they they make a costly mistake. Thanks so much!
Rebecca Petersen
2017-10-14 03:10:30.000000